The Lone Wolf

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Longer We're Apart

OK, now I'm really starting to get confused. And scared in a way. I thought I was falling in love with S. last night, and couldn't keep him out of my mind while I was at work (the night shift - 12 whole hours...) but somehow things don't seem right. He seems a bit distant, though if I really think about it, have things actually changed that much? Probably not that much but I'm still worried. There's nobody I can really talk to about it, so I don't know whether I really should be worrying about it or if I'm actually just paranoid about the whole thing. I am notorious (well, to myself, at least) for getting worked up over nothing. Aaargh! Next week will probably be hard as well - he works in the mornings when I'm free, and I work in the afternoons, starting when he leaves off work - not much time to text.
Sooner or later my head will start to spin round in madness like the famous Exorcist scene...


  • At 5:29 AM, Blogger Shintoga said…

    Thankyou! It's great to get some positive feedback for once! I will be checking your site out soon


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