The Lone Wolf

Friday, October 07, 2005

Why Does It Always Rain On Me?

Rrrr... just as I thought things might just be going OK for once, I've turned another corner and ran into a brick wall again. Haven't heard from Steven today, so feels like he's avoiding me, despite asking me out yesterday, and now work has just phoned and asked me to work this afternoon. I'm going out with the art group to the cinema/film festival this evening, so I can't do a whole shift. Instead I'm working until 6.00pm, which I really don't want to, but don't feel like I have much choice. I've really got to find a new job, one which doesn't make me have a heart attack every time the phone rings at home. Felt guilty as if I was lying when I told them I was going out, but...
Later... it's now 10.32pm. It's cold outside. I'm cold on the inside. Men are so disenchanting. Steven's response to my text I wnt disturb u if ur navigating on the way.miss u tho! : God hope i don't fall asleep! What does that mean, exactly??! I sent back Do u get sleepy on long journeys by ne chance then? as I couldn't think what else to write, apart from a confrontation accusing him of being uber sarcastic to me, which I was actually loathe to do. Somehow I don't think this is going to work. Still, had a fairly nice time at the film festival sitting with Michelle and Stacey. Apart from growing suspicions that my new relationship was going to turn out to be yet another non-runner, and a nagging suspicion that it was all my fault again - i.e. they thought I was boring or actually not really worth all the effort after all. B*ll*cks to men. Who needs them?


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